

时间:2022-6-30 作者:成都活动策划

   以下为成都华与星演出公司为您介绍桑巴舞演出,了解更多,欢迎电话联系我们!微信/电话:136 0806 8886【+微信,请注明来意,谢谢!】(廖斌)

   桑巴是音乐加舞蹈的混合体。桑巴是欧洲音乐与非洲音乐融合的产品。狂欢节 是桑巴音乐展示的舞台,适用于开业典 礼,巡游,发布会等,给活动现场增加狂欢, 欢乐的气氛,桑巴演员无论是服装还是笑容, 姿态等都是选取专业的标准。 
   High quality foreign blacks Samba is a mixture of music and dance. Samba is the product of the fusion of European white music and African African music. Carnival is the best stage for samba music show. It is suitable for opening ceremony, cruise, press conference, etc. to add Carnival and joyous atmosphere to the scene of the event. Samba actor is the most professional standard whether it is clothing or smile, gesture.

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