

时间:2022-6-25 作者:成都庆典策划公司

   以下为成都华与星外籍演出公司为您推荐的2022年成都市外籍演出节目!了解更多,欢迎电话联系我们!微信/电话:136 0806 8886【+微信,请注明来意,谢谢!】(廖斌)

   宫廷舞,华丽的音乐和物资轻慢与庄重, 这种舞蹈有着严格规定的舞步、举止、 仪态和舞蹈程序。 
   Foreign court dance performances Court dance, gorgeous music and supplies light and solemn, this dance has a strict rules of dance, demeanor, deportment and dance program.

   小丑,一个在银幕上经久不衰的形象。他们通常 服装艳丽、表情夸张,总是做着这样或那样的逗 人举动,却往往在暗处表现出无尽的哀伤。然而, 时代嬗变、人各有异。有人会在小丑的表情中发 现一丝伤痛,有人则会感到一丝恐怖,更有人会 拿出一张纸牌,告诉你一切都不要当真,只要开 心就好…… 
   Foreign clown performances Clown, an enduring image on the screen. They are usually brightly dressed, exaggerated facial expressions, always doing this or that funny move, but often show endless sadness in the dark . However, the evolution of the times, different people. Someone will find a trace of pain in the expression of the clown, while others will feel a trace of terror, and some will come up with a solitaire card, telling you everything is not serious, as long as happy …

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