

时间:2022-6-22 作者:成都庆典策划公司

   以下外籍演艺节目由成都华与星外籍演艺公司为您提供,了解更多,欢迎电话索取资料/报价!微信/电话:136 0806 8886【+微信,请注明来意,谢谢!】(廖斌)

   双人舞(英语:double dance),是20世纪初在 西方兴起的一种与古典芭蕾相对立的舞蹈派别。主 张摆脱古典芭蕾舞过于僵化的动作程式的束缚,以 合乎自然运动法则的舞蹈动作,自由地抒发人的真 实情感,强调舞蹈艺术要反映现代社会生活。姿态 优美,力与美的结合体。 
   High quality foreign double dance Double dance (English double dance), is a rise of the early twentieth century in the West and a classical ballet opposite the dance factions. Advocating to get rid of the shackles of classical ballet’s action formula, and conforming to the laws of natural movement, it freely expresses the true feelings of people and emphasizes that dance art should reflect the modern social life. Beautiful posture, a combination of strength and beauty.

   爵士舞是一种急促又富动感的节奏型舞 蹈,是属于一种外放性的舞蹈,不像古 典芭蕾舞或现代舞所表现的一种内敛性 的舞蹈。 
   High-quality Broadway jazz dance Jaz z dance i s a k ind of r apid and dynamic rhythmic dance, belonging to a kind of extroverted dance, unlike the introverted dance represented by classical ballet or modern dance.

   踢踏舞(英文:tap dance)是现代舞蹈风格 的一种。形成于18世纪20年代的美国。这种舞 蹈的形式比较开放自由,没有很多的形式化限 制。舞者不注重身体的舞姿,而是着重趾尖与 脚跟的打击节奏的复杂技巧。踢踏舞根据不同 舞曲的节奏来跳快慢的程度,主要靠踢踏鞋发 出‘踢踢踏踏’的声音。 
   High-quality foreign tap dance Tap dance (English: tap dance) is a modern dance style. The United States, formed in the 1820s. This form of dance is more open and free, without much formal restrictions. The dancers do not pay attention to the body dance, but focus on the complicated skills of striking beats on the tiptoe and heel. Tap dance According to the rhythm of different dance to jump fast, mainly by tap shoes issued ‘kicked’ sound.

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