

时间:2022-6-22 作者:成都年会策划公司

   下面为成都华与星外籍商演公司部分高质量外籍节目,了解更多演出节目,欢迎电话索取!微信/电话:136 0806 8886【+微信,请注明来意,谢谢!】(廖斌)

   乐队由欧洲各国的专业乐手组成,众位乐手来中国发展多年, 有足够的舞台表演经验,乐队每一个成员均于毕业于高等音 乐学院,他们在欧洲酒吧驻场演出多年。参加欧洲各类音乐 节、啤酒节演出很多。乐队现场演出气氛很好,风格多样化, 流行、爵士、摇滚都拿手,适合参加各类演出活动,承 接各地演出业务。 
   High quality foreign blacks The band is composed of professional musicians from all over Europe. All the musicians come to China for many years and have enough stage performance experience. Each member of the band graduated from the High School of Music and performed for many years at the European bar. Participate in various European music festival, Oktoberfest performances a lot. The live performance of the band is very good atmosphere, diversified style, popular, jazz, rock are very good, suitable for all kinds of performances, to undertake the show business across the country

   作为公司亲自培养的黑人乐队,异国风 情的黑人乐队,唱功也了得,拥有歌曲 天赋的黑人,在这一方面也是可给您带 来惊喜的感受,本公司选取的黑人乐队 对于颜值的把控,歌曲的质量是非常严 格的,拥有专门的形象包装设计。 
   High quality black band As the company personally train black band, exotic black band, singing is also amazing, with songs of black talent, on the one hand, al so can give you a surprise feeling, the company selected the black band for yen value to control the quality of the song is very strict, have the specialized image packaging design the.

   军乐团是由军队的铜管、木管、打击等 乐器演奏员组成的音乐团体。主要任务 是为国家和军队的重西部博览城典演奏。 在 国外发展得比较成熟,在各大开业庆典 运用,也受到多方客户的好评。 
   High quality foreign military band T h e ba n d i s c o m p o s e d of b r a s s , woodwind, percussion forces and other musical instruments performer composed the music group. The main task is to play the major celebrations of the country and the army. It is more mature in foreign countries, and is well received by many customers in the big opening ceremonies.

   外籍DJ不仅形象好,也会很好的制造气 氛。 
   ibaotu.com Foreign DJ is not only good in image, b u t a l s o a g o o d m a n u f a c t u ri n g atmosphere.

   萨克斯可能是最浪漫的器乐, 萨克斯 在爵士乐、现代流行轻音乐中大量使用, 萨克斯的主要特点是音色美妙变化,深 沉而平静, 富有感情,轻柔而忧伤,好像 回声中的回声、在寂静无声的时刻,没 有别的乐器能发出这种奇妙的声响。 
   Foreign saxophone S a chs ma y be the mos t romanti c instrumental music, saxophone widely used in jazz, modern popular light music, saxophone is characterized by wonderful changes in tone, deep and calm, full of emotion, gentle and sad, like the echo of echo, silent moment No other instrument can make such a marvelous sound.

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